attackSkillSlot Mammonite { lvl 10 dist 1.5 sp > 15% monsters Raydric maxUses 1 } useSelf_skill Crazy Uproar { lvl 1 sp > 15% whenStatusInactive Crazy Uproar inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Adrenaline Rush { lvl 5 sp > 15% whenStatusInactive Adrenaline Rush inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Power-Thrust { lvl 5 sp > 15% whenStatusInactive Power-Thrust inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Weapon Perfection { lvl 5 sp > 15% whenStatusInactive Weapon Perfection inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Meltdown { lvl 10 sp > 15% whenStatusInactive Meltdown inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Cart Boost { lvl 10 sp > 15% whenStatusInactive Cart Boost inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Power Maximize { lvl 5 sp > 15% whenStatusInactive Power Maximize inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 }
for vending; attackAuto 0 route_randomWalk 0 shopAuto_open 1 sitAuto_idle 1 and edit the shop.txt in your control folder FalseAngelWingOCA-DontPMme <-- shop name False Angel Wing 2,000,000 3000 Old Card Album 5,000,000 900 Cotton Shirts 100,000,000 1
attackCanSnipe 1 attackDistanceAuto 1 autoSwitch_default_arrow Silver Arrow attackSkillSlot Double Strafe { lvl 10 dist 10 sp > 10% inLockOnly 1 notInTown 1 monsters Zombie Prisoner, Injustice maxUses 1 } attackSkillSlot Arrow Shower { lvl 10 dist 6,5 sp > 15% aggressives 6 inLockOnly 1 notInTown 1 monsters Zombie Prisoner, Injustice } attackSkillSlot Falcon Assault { lvl 5 dist 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4 sp > 20% inLockOnly 1 notInTown 1
attackSkillSlot Infiltration { lvl 5 dist 1 sp > 10% spirit > 0 maxUses 2 notMonsters Raydric } attackSkillSlot Extremity Fist { lvl 5 dist 9 spirit 5 whenStatusActive Vigor Explosion monsters Moonlight, Eddga } attackComboSlot Chain Combo { lvl 5 dist 1.5 sp > 10% isSelfSkill 1 autoCombo 1 monsters Raydric, Raycdric Archer afterSkill Triple Attack } attackComboSlot Combo Finish { lvl 5 dist 1.5 sp > 10%
spirit > 0 isSelfSkill 1 autoCombo 1 monsters Raydric, Raydric Archer afterSkill Chain Combo } useSelf_skill Dangerous Soul Collect { lvl 1 sp > 10% spirit < 4 notInTown 1 timeout 1 } useSelf_skill Vigor Explosion { lvl 5 sp > 10% spirit 5 whenStatusInactive Vigor Explosion } useSelf_skill Blessing { lvl 10 sp > 10% whenStatusInactive Blessing notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Increase AGI { lvl 10 sp > 10% whenStatusInactive Increase AGI stopWhenHit 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1
attackUseWeapon 0 attackSkillSlot Heal { lvl 10 dist 8,7,6,5,4,3,2 hp sp > 10% notInTown 1 monsters Zombie Prisoner, Zombie, Skel Worker } attackSkillSlot Holy Light { lvl 1 dist 9,8 sp > 10% stopWhenHit 1 notInTown 1 monsters Hunter Fly } useSelf_skill Heal { lvl 10 hp < 80% sp > 10% } useSelf_skill Blessing { lvl 10 sp > 10% whenStatusInactive Blessing notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Increase AGI { lvl 10 sp > 10% whenStatusInactive Increase AGI stopWhenHit 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Kyrie Eleison { lvl 10 sp > 10% whenStatusInactive Kyrie Eleison stopWhenHit 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Angelus { lvl 10 sp > 10% whenStatusInactive Angelus stopWhenHit 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Magnificat { lvl 5 sp > 10% whenStatusInactive Magnificat stopWhenHit 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Gloria { lvl 5 sp > 10% whenStatusInactive Gloria notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 }
attackSkillSlot Magnus Exorcismus { lvl 10 sp > 10% stopWhenHit 1 notInTown 1 monsters Zombie Prisoner, Injustice } attackSkillSlot Turn Undead { lvl 10 dist 8 sp > 10% notInTown 1 monsters Zombie Prisoner }
attackUseWeapon 0 attackCanSnipe 1 attackSkillSlot Storm Gust { lvl 4 sp > 10% monsters High Orc, Orc Archer equip_leftAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1] equip_rightAccessory Clip [Phen] [1] isSelfSkill 1 } attackSkillSlot Cold Bolt { lvl 10 dist 8 sp > 10% stopWhenHit 1 inLockOnly 1 notInTown 1 monsters High Orc maxUses 0 target_whenStatusActive Frozen } attackSkillSlot Fire Bolt { lvl 10 dist 8 sp > 10% stopWhenHit 1 inLockOnly 1 notInTown 1 monsters Orc Archer maxUses 0 target_whenStatusActive Frozen } for Alarms runFromTarget 1 runFromTarget_dist 6 attackSkillSlot Frost Diver { lvl 10 dist 6 maxCastTime 1 minCastTime 0 sp > 10% monsters Alarm target_whenStatusInactive Frozen } attackSkillSlot Jupitel Thunder { lvl 10 dist 6 maxCastTime 1 minCastTime 0 sp > 10% monsters Alarm maxUses 0 target_whenStatusActive Frozen } useSelf_skill Energy Coat { lvl 1 whenStatusInactive Energy Coat }
for Agi Knights/LK:
attackSkillSlot Bash { lvl 10 dist 1.5 sp > 15% monsters Raydric, Raydric Archer maxUses 2 } attackSkillSlot Bowling Bash { lvl 10 sp > 15% aggressives >2 maxUses 2 } useSelf_skill Endure { lvl 10 hp sp > 15% inLockOnly 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Twohand Quicken { lvl 10 sp > 10% onAction attack whenStatusInactive Twohand Quicken inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Parrying { lvl 10 sp > 15% whenStatusInactive Parrying inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 } useSelf_skill Aura Blade { lvl 5 sp > 30% whenStatusInactive Aura Blade inLockOnly 1 }
attackSkillSlot Pierce { lvl 10 dist 3,2,1.5 sp > 10 inLockOnly 1 monsters Raydric, Raydric Archer maxUses 2 } attackSkillSlot Spiral Pierce { lvl 5 sp > 25% monsters Raydric, Raydric Archer maxUses 1 inLockOnly 1 } useSelf_skill Concentration { lvl 10 sp > 50% onAction attack whenStatusInactive Concentration inLockOnly 1 }
attackSkillSlot Sonic Blow { lvl 10 sp > 10% inLockOnly 1 monsters Hode maxUses 1 } attackSkillSlot Soul Breaker { lvl 10 dist 5 sp > 10% inLockOnly 1 monsters Raydric, Raydric Archer maxUses 1 } useSelf_skill Cloaking { lvl 10 sp > 10% aggressives 3 stopWhenHit 1 inLockOnly 1 } useSelf_skill Enchant Poison { lvl 10 sp > 10% monsters Whisper inLockOnly 1 notInTown 1 }
attackCanSnipe 1 attackDistanceAuto 1 autoSwitch_default_arrow Silver Arrow attackSkillSlot Double Strafe { lvl 10 dist 10 sp > 10% inLockOnly 1 notInTown 1 monsters Zombie Prisoner, Injustice maxUses 1 }
useSelf_item Silver Arrow Quiver { inInventory Silver Arrow < 50 } useSelf_item Red Potion { hp < 20% inLockOnly 1 } useSelf_item Awakening Potion { whenStatusInactive Awakening Potion inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 timeout 1800 } useSelf_item Green Herb { whenStatusActive Poisoned timeout 5 }
getAuto Silver Arrow Quiver { minAmount 1 maxAmount 5 passive } getAuto Red Potion { minAmount 2 maxAmount 50 passive } buyAuto Awakening Potion { npc <--- tool dealer coordinates standpoint distance 5 minAmount 0 maxAmount 5 }